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Is subwallet_id the same as workchain_id in TON network?

Is subwallet_id the same as workchain_id in TON network?

This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/2696

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subwallet_id is not the same as workchain_id in the TON network.

Instead, subwallet_id is a property of a contract that enables the creation of multiple wallets using the same key pair. The primary purpose of subwallet_ids is to allow for the creation of multiple wallets with a single key pair.

To clarify further, subwallet_id is a concept that is specific to the TON network and is used within a contract to create multiple wallets. By using subwallet_id, the contract can differentiate between the different wallets that are created, even though they all use the same key pair.

This allows for greater flexibility in managing cryptocurrency funds, as multiple wallets can be created and managed separately without the need for multiple key pairs.

In summary, subwallet_id is not the same as workchain_id in the TON network. Subwallet_id is a concept used within a contract to create multiple wallets with a single key pair, while workchain_id is a term used to identify specific shards or subgroups of nodes within the TON network.

Posted 2 years ago
1 Answer
2 years ago
2 years ago