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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
What is the difference between `messageHash` and `TransactionHash`?

What is the difference between messageHash and TransactionHash?

Since here is the reply from ChatGPT:

The /sendBocReturnHash endpoint is very similar to the /sendBoc endpoint. Both endpoints are used to send a serialized BOC file (fully packed and serialized external message) to the blockchain. The difference is that /sendBocReturnHash returns the message hash after successfully sending the message.

A message hash is a unique identifier for a specific message sent to the blockchain, while a transaction hash is a unique identifier for a specific transaction within the blockchain. When you send a message to interact with a smart contract, the message will be processed, and a transaction will be created as a result.

So, in summary:

Message hash: A unique identifier for a message sent to the blockchain.
Transaction hash: A unique identifier for a transaction that results from processing a message on the blockchain.
To use /sendBocReturnHash, you can replace the /send/send_boc part in the URL of the API call with /send/send_boc_return_hash. The rest of the process would remain the same as the example provided earlier for /sendBoc.

My question is:

  • Can we fallback the Transaction by the message Hash we got? (Since One transaction hash is combined with multiple message hash, correct?)


Posted one year ago
Edited one year ago
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