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Is there something like is_int in FunC?

Some programming languages have built-in functions like is_int() helping to check quickly if a specific variable is of type integer or not. Is there something like that in FunC?

This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev/85946

Posted one year ago
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Unfortunately, we don't have the built-in function like that.

However, you can create your own function to check if a value is an integer. Or you can take a reference here to acheive it.

forall X -> int is_null(X x) asm "ISNULL";
forall X -> int is_int(X x) asm "<{ TRY:<{ 0 PUSHINT ADD DROP -1 PUSHINT }>CATCH<{ 2DROP 0 PUSHINT }> }>CONT 1 1 CALLXARGS";
forall X -> int is_cell(X x) asm "<{ TRY:<{ CTOS DROP -1 PUSHINT }>CATCH<{ 2DROP 0 PUSHINT }> }>CONT 1 1 CALLXARGS";
forall X -> int is_slice(X x) asm "<{ TRY:<{ SBITS DROP -1 PUSHINT }>CATCH<{ 2DROP 0 PUSHINT }> }>CONT 1 1 CALLXARGS";
forall X -> int is_tuple(X x) asm "ISTUPLE";

Remember, FunC's type system will usually make it unnecessary to check for a specific type at runtime, as the type constraints are already imposed at the compilation level.

For instance, if a function is designed to accept only integers as input, the compiler will enforce this requirement, and an error will be thrown if a non-integer is passed.

Posted one year ago
Howard Peng
10 × 1 Administrator
1 Answer
one year ago
one year ago