TON node
Could you help me a bit?
root@hz-ton:~# sudo docker-compose up
[+] Running 1/1
⠿ Container root-ton-node-1 Recreated 0.2s
Attaching to root-ton-node-1
root-ton-node-1 | [=] No global config provided, downloading default.
root-ton-node-1 | [+] Using provided IP:
root-ton-node-1 | [ 3][t 1][2023-06-11 22:39:02.462337246][validator-engine.cpp:1304][!validator-engine] found init block [ w=-1 s=9223372036854775808 seq=27747086 YRkrcmZMvLBvjanwKCyL3w4oceGPtFfgx8ym1QKCK/4= N42xzPnJjDlE3hxPXOb+pNzXomgRtpX5AZzMPnIA41s= ]
root-ton-node-1 | [ 1][t 1][2023-06-11 22:39:02.462621529][validator-engine.cpp:3504][!validator-engine] failed to parse config: [Error : 0 : failed to parse json: Opening '"' expected]
root-ton-node-1 | [=] Found existing server certificate, skipping
root-ton-node-1 | [=] Found existing client certificate, skipping
root-ton-node-1 | [=] Liteserver disabled
root-ton-node-1 | [+] Running validator-engine
root-ton-node-1 | [ 3][t 1][2023-06-11 22:39:02.486787564][validator-engine.cpp:1304][!validator-engine] found init block [ w=-1 s=9223372036854775808 seq=27747086 YRkrcmZMvLBvjanwKCyL3w4oceGPtFfgx8ym1QKCK/4= N42xzPnJjDlE3hxPXOb+pNzXomgRtpX5AZzMPnIA41s= ]
root-ton-node-1 | [ 1][t 1][2023-06-11 22:39:02.487007476][validator-engine.cpp:3504][!validator-engine] failed to parse config: [Error : 0 : failed to parse json: Opening '"' expected]
root-ton-node-1 exited with code 2
So, I'm running init.sh in my docker container, which is creating config.json, but it falling with error above
How to fix this?
init.sh file: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton/blob/cc0eb453cb3bf69f92693160103d33112856c056/docker/init.sh#L43
one year ago
one year ago