I am looking for a plug-and-play privacy layer on top of TON that a developer can leverage to make their TON DeFi apps privacy preserving both for users and ...
one year ago
I have a smart contract that accepts messages from users. I would like to keep a history of requests. How can I save a list of pairs (address, text of the me...
one year ago
I know theoretically that a smart contract can deploy another smart contract. But is there an public example of it to learn from? --- > This question was imp...
one year ago
I can't find the zero address, or at least send tokens to it correctly. I would like to use the address it to implement burn mechanics for a Jetton. How do I...
one year ago
FunC is the primary language used to program smart contracts on TON, but are there ways to use other programming languages to write smart contracts in progra...
2 years ago
I'd like to learn developing on TON by creating some small pet projects. What kinds of such projects would be the most helpful and give the most useful exper...
one year ago
To create a minimal jetton, is the jetton-wallet.fc file within the token-contract GitHub repository really necessary? --- > This question was imported from ...
one year ago
Can I collect information on all the incoming external messages that a specific smart contract receives? Everything that goes through its recv_external(). --...
one year ago
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
one year ago
When "throwing" inside a function, is the transaction cancelled? For example, if I send 10 TON from a main account but in a smart contract there an error is ...
one year ago
If I want to study by example, are there any smart contracts for implementing auction on TON open for everyone to learn from? --- > This question was importe...
one year ago
This might be a very basic question, but if I want to handle incoming transactions to my smart contract and react to them in some way, how should I monitor t...
one year ago
If I want to make a board game, in order to show the fairness of the game, I put all the back-end computing on the blockchain. A board game could require ran...
one year ago
Is the code of smart contracts visible to the explorers? Can I use some explorer to see the code of any specific smart contract I'm interested in? --- > This...
one year ago
How do you define multiple cells in the storage of a contract? clike const data = beginCell() .storeUint(someVar, 64) .storeMaybeSlice() .endCell(); In other...
one year ago
What error code should a smart contract use when dealing with an unsupported opcode? Is it up to the smart contract developer, or there is a conventional one...
one year ago
I'm looking for a good tutorial to make an NFT smart contract on TON. --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/10064
one year ago
Blockchains are meant to be trustless, so it's good when the user can check how some smart contract works instead of trusting its author. Verifying smart con...
one year ago
What would be the best method to check if my address received a payment with a specific message? Is 'getTransactions' method okay? ---- This question was imp...
one year ago
As far as I understand, NFTs in TON are just smart contracts that implement a specific interface. Suppose I create a wallet, an explorer or some other produc...
one year ago
What happens if we verify the source code in the explorer, but the contract's code gets updated using set_code() instruction? Does the verified source code d...
one year ago
I've been trying to create a simple wallet smart contract by myself to learn FunC, but my transactions keep failing with exit code 34. What am I doing wrong?...
one year ago
It's known that blockchain is not the best place to store lots of data (there is TON Storage for that, while smart contract data should generally be as small...
one year ago
I would like to store data in the smart contract storage in such a way that only the owner of that smart contract could read it. How to achieve it? --- > Thi...
one year ago
Hi is it possible to calculate input and output message hash before sending it. For example, this is my transaction https://testnet.tonscan.org/tx/op5iqZD9X7...
one year ago
The set_code() function can be used to alter the code of a smart contract. But while it's easy in theory, it would be great to see an example to fully unders...
one year ago
Is there is some way to remove unused smart-contract from TestNet/MainNet to reduce the bloating of the network, and to remove its functionality? --- > This ...
one year ago