The Sandbox projects allows to emulate arbitrary TON smart contracts and interact with them as if they were deployed on a real network. But is there an optio...
one year ago
I've heard there's some library by Andrey Pfau for developing on TON using the Kotlin language. What's the name of library and where can I find it? Maybe it'...
one year ago
Is it possible to send Toncoins and Jettons in the same transaction? If it is, how to do it exactly? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: htt...
one year ago
TON documentation states that "every function in TVM program has an internal integer id by which it can be called". But how exactly can I call a function aft...
one year ago
I'm using an example from the tutorial ( /) based on the npm ton library and solve a problem where I have ...
one year ago
I know that an NFT collection on TON requires a metadata file in JSON format. Is there some kind of reference file to look at? --- > This question was import...
one year ago
Can I calculate the exact fee for a certain transaction? How to do it? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
Fully on-chain services are hard to find. I've seen the opinion that business isn't interested in making them because it's much easier to put a part of the s...
one year ago
I want to understand how TON as a blockchain works. I aim to understand: 1. Ton Virtual Machine 2. Blockchain Consensus I come from a Solidity background. Ar...
one year ago
How do I convert a TON wallet address to base64 and vice-versa? Is there a tool or script that I can use? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat...
one year ago
On other blockchains there are projects like Tenderly and Pagoda that help with tasks such as smart contract analytics. Are there any alternatives to them in...
It's not exactly a technical question, but when you develop on TON, sometimes you need to show the logos of the technologies used. Do FunC and other TON-rela...
Sometimes it would be convenient if the gas fee for the transactions would be paid by some other account. In the EVM ecosystem there's EIP-2711 for that: htt...
one year ago
I've tried asking ChatGPT about development on TON. It kept referring to a project called FreeTON, but I couldn't find more info on that. Are those answers r...
FunC language evolves and gets new versions. But there seems to be no release notes for those versions on the TON website and FunC doesn't have its own websi...
What is the usage of the configuration here? Should I worried about it if I am testing my contract?
What's the practical utility of internal non-bounceable messages? When would they be useful? --- > This question was imported by Telegram Chat:
one year ago
When "throwing" inside a function, is the transaction cancelled? For example, if I send 10 TON from a main account but in a smart contract there an error is ...
one year ago
Если нода валидатора не участвует в цикле(не хватило средств для участия в выборах) она простаивает или работает как коллатор, или как фишер? В конце года об...
one year ago
I'm trying to deploy my contract to the TON MainNet, but I get an error: bash <> The account that I'm using has a 1.5 TON balance, which should be enough! Wh...
One of the core on-ramps for TON is the Oracle bridge from BSC and Ethereum. Is this an open source solution? Where is the code located? --- > This question ...
Pseudo-anonymity is important for crypto. How do I get TON without KYC? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
Where can I read details about BOC flags, including CRC ? ------- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
Is there a size limit for bocs? I've heard values such as 64kb, but I don't know where this limit is defined. --- > This question was imported from Telegram ...
one year ago
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
one year ago
Why source addres is so important when a contract address being created? In whitepaper: 2.1.2. Source and destination addresses of a message. ``` Any message...
one year ago
Is there a way that I can use .ton as a domain name? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
Hello is there TON Proxy documentation anywhere? The release was in Q3 2022, shouldn't there be documentation or a white paper? --- > This question was impor...
one year ago
Why is it that during the TonCLI run_tests procedure, already defined comes up even with only having 2 procedures in test file? The error is as follows: [ 1]...
So far, the only wallet that I found that supports staking is TonHub, but it is mobile only and closed source. The official open source and cross-platform TO...