Is there any call to get the contract address inside it? I cant find anything like that in tvm
one year ago
Some projects like exchanges ask users to include memo (a comment) in the TON coin transaction. What is the purpose, isn't the address enough for identificat...
one year ago
As far as I understand, usually there is just one shard, but where can I check to see if if changed? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: htt...
one year ago
Blockchains like Ethereum let people not only use the default ether token, but also create their own tokens on the blockchain. Does TON let people do this? H...
one year ago
There are extensions for code editors like Visual Studio Code providing syntax highlighting for FunC. Is there anything like that for the vim editor? --- > T...
TON whitepapers are helpful for a developer, but they are hard to read, especially when English is not your native language. Maybe there are community transl...
one year ago
Is there a built-in way to exponentiate numbers in FunC? If there isn't and it is up to developer to write a function, probably the community has already wri...
It is known that a special "highload wallet" is for those who have lots of transactions. But what exactly do "lots" mean: where is the boundary between "regu...
one year ago
I have a usual user-friendly bounceable contract address. I need to get the raw HEX form of it. How do I convert it? --- > This question was imported from Te...
Are there any minimum/recommended hardware requirements for developing on TON? And is there any "necessary" software like Xcode is for iOS development? Is it...
one year ago
There are special "highload wallets" for those who make lots of transactions (like exchanges). But aren't the regular wallets good enough? They look fast and...
Suppose I own a website and it is not a web3 dApp or something, just a regular old centralized one. On that website I take payments and I would like to accep...
one year ago
I mostly work with Java, so it would be convenient for me to develop on TON using that language. Are there any Java libraries to work with TON? --- > This qu...
It is probably a silly question, but it is confusing for a newcomer. What is the difference between msg and msg_body, aside from the type difference? --- > T...
one year ago
The TON documentation states that "a variable can be dumped to the debug log by the ~dump function". But where exactly it that log? How can I see it? --- > T...
one year ago
Where is it possible to retrieve current TON coin price in USD? Preferably an open API, not a paid one. --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: ...
one year ago
Many programming languages have a ternary operator, such as booleanExpression ? expression1 : expression2 in Java (if booleanExpression equals true, than exp...
On the Ton Whales website there is a "Top 1000 accounts" list sorted by the balance size: How exactly such a list can be c...
one year ago
I would like to become a part of TON blockchain and run a full node without becoming a validator. What are good options for this? Do node owners usually rent...
one year ago
In general-purpose languages there often is some form of try. Is there anything like that in FunC I could use to validate data in msg_body? > This question w...
one year ago
To interact with the outside world blockchains rely on oracles. But I see a problem here. Let's say we have a betting contract that lets users place their be...
one year ago
In general-purpose languages like Java it is possible to get server time by using things like System.currentTimeMills(). Is there a way to retrieve server ti...
one year ago
Why there is always only one shard in masterchain for any seqno? For example: gives seqno 19586270 then https...
one year ago
In the Ethereum world there is — a browser-based IDE which lets you try out your contracts instantly. Is there anything like that in the T...
Probably the TON community has already crafted the best regular expression for validating TON addresses. In fact, there could be two expressions: for the raw...
one year ago
Is there a possibility that TON will be added to Metamask later? Or there are some technical / non-technical reasons preventing that from happening? --- > Th...
In many programming languages there are methods like Math.sin() in Java that return the sine of an angle. How can I calculate such value using Fift? --- > Th...
one year ago
What would happen if someone tried to send an internal message with zero ton coins? And if the receiving party calls accept_message(), who would pay the fee?...
one year ago
Blockchains are considered "append-only" and immutable. But I've heard that in the TON world smart contracts can change their own code. So, is it possible fo...
one year ago
I am new to the TON ecosystem and for now I lack understanding of how this whole thing works. I would like to learn by looking into the code of some successf...
one year ago