I've came to TON ecosystem from Ethereum, and I have Ethereum testnet coins. I know there is Ethereum-TON bridge for mainnet coins. Is there something like t...
I come from the Ethereum ecosystem, where time is measured in epochs. Is there a thing like epochs in the TON ecosystem? --- > This question was imported fro...
In the EVM ecosystems there are oracles like Chainlink that let smart contracts get random numbers from outside of the blockchain. Is there anything like tha...
one year ago
Developing for EVM-based blockchains, I got used to doing that using ethers: parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatUnits(reserves.token0, token0.decimals)); Is there...
one year ago
In the Ethereum world there is remix.ethereum.org — a browser-based IDE which lets you try out your contracts instantly. Is there anything like that in the T...
I got some "wrapped TON" (ERC-20 TON equivalent) via Metamask and I want to "unwrap" it (turn it into regular TON coins). I wonder how to access the bridge s...
2 years ago
On Ethereum, if you want to get rid of an NFT, you can send it to a special0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 address, and after that it can't be acc...
I have experience as a developer in the EVM ecosystem and now I want do develop on TON. What do I need to learn in the first place? What things change, and w...