I've been trying to reuse a wallet deleted by DESTROY_ACCOUNT_IF_ZERO (32) flag. The way I do the transfer: Imagine we have 2 wallets: A and B. 1. We transfe...
11 months ago
I'm trying to send jettons from one wallet to another. For this I use the library tonweb. Whenever i send transaction, i get a zero amount of tokens. Why is ...
I am using TonWeb to get data from a Jetton wallet: javascript let res = new TonWeb.token.jetton.JettonWallet( tonweb.provider, { ownerAddress: new TonWeb.Ad...
How can I connect MyLocalTon using TonWeb? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/1380
one year ago
Given a smart contract, how do I deploy it using the TonWeb SDK? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/8841
one year ago
What the best way to get all NFTs an address owns? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/8851
What would be the best method to check if my address received a payment with a specific message? Is 'getTransactions' method okay? ---- This question was imp...
one year ago
Can anyone explain how to get the result of transaction after sending it? The TonSDK send transaction method is returning .boc. Also, how can I get the statu...
I am getting an error with TonWeb - "tonweb/src/boc/Cell.js:347 const prefix = serializedBoc.slice(0, 4); TypeError: serializedBoc.slice is not a function." ...
Hello! I have a question regarding crafting a transaction using Tonweb. I attached the SENDER seqno using wallet.methods.seqno().call(), and then sent the tr...
one year ago
I made a transfer request via the tonweb JavaScript SDK: javascript (await wallet.methods.transfer(....)) const transfer_result = await transfer.send(); retu...
2 years ago
Where can I find the format of transactions returned by the TonWeb getTransactions() method? Specifically, the format of the 'message' and 'msg_data' fields ...
2 years ago
I'm working with the TonWeb JavaScript library. It requires a provider URL on init: js const providerEndpoint = 'https://PROVIDER-URL-HERE'; const tonweb = n...
2 years ago
I'm writing a simple DApp on TON blockchain and using the tonweb JavaScript library to interact with it. I need to first send a transaction, and then after i...
2 years ago