I created a wallet programmatically by following this article. I just copied the code and executed it. Created a wallet and created 2 transactions (incoming ...
one year ago
How do we validate given address is valid TON address or not? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/31173
one year ago
I would like to take a look at the source code of wallet contracts (wallet v3 and v4). As far as I understand, both these contracts are open source, but wher...
Where can I read about the TON Keeper extension and using it for websites (logging in, signing messages)? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat...
2 years ago
Is there a possibility for users to log in using QR code (like in MetaMask). I have already added authentication with extension and now I want to add QR code...
2 years ago
On TON the wallet address is derived from the combination of a key and a wallet contract. So the same key used with different wallet versions (v4r1, v3r2 and...
There are different wallet contract versions on TON, currently going up to the v4r2. Some of the differences between them are well-known, such as plugin supp...
one year ago
Some of the wallets in TON ecosystem can open both mainnet wallets and testnet wallets, while some support mainnet only. Can MyTonWallet be switched from the...
Among different TON wallets there is a browser extension simply called "TON Wallet": https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ton-wallet/nphplpgoakhhjchkkhm...
There are several different wallet contract versions on TON, with the latest wallet contract version currently being v4r2. They have different abilities and ...
one year ago
I trnasfered some jetton to another wallet but response body destination address is not in a familiar format instead how can i convert this address into some...
one year ago
Currently I'm using wallet contract v3 - it was deployed for me automatically when I was using TonKeeper wallet. I saw that the core team released a new wall...
2 years ago
Is there a way that I can use a TON wallet to log in to a website? Specifically, I am looking at the functionality that is already present on getgems.io. ---...
one year ago
Does anyone know if multiple addresses correspond to a 24-word mnemonic or if this is a 1:1 relationship between them? On networks like Ethereum, a mnemonic ...
TON wallets are smart contracts that need to be deployed on-chain. But if someone does not deploy their wallet contract, their wallet is unininitialized. Wha...
How can you obtain a v3r2 address from a v4r2 address of a wallet in the TON network? -- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev...
one year ago
To create a minimal jetton, is the jetton-wallet.fc file within the token-contract GitHub repository really necessary? --- > This question was imported from ...
2 years ago
What is the difference between addresses that start with EQ and those that start with UQ? There are also addresses that start with kf, but when searched up o...
I would like to create a crypto wallet and wanted to find out whether TON has a Facebook-like console that provides developers with keys or a secret API Key ...
Is there an API that can create a new TON wallet using code? Creating and deploying are two different steps. So how I can create many uninitialized wallet ad...
Are there any examples in Python for signing and sending TON transactions? For example, sending TON coin from one wallet to another. --- > This question was ...
How can I programmatically create a TON wallet using .NET Core?
TonKeeper is a widely used wallet for TON mainnet, but can I use it with testnet for development purposes? How can I make it connect to testnet? --- > This q...
Is it possible to use a passphrase with a mnemonic seed phrase in TON wallet applications? ---- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me...
one year ago
Highload wallets use queryId instead of seqno. It is better suited for large amounts of transactions, but does it come with a cost in terms of gas? How much ...
I've created a new wallet. It looks ready to use, but explorers like Tonscan say its state is "inactive". What exactly does it mean? How should I make it act...
Anyone can use one of TON wallet apps, manually create a new wallet with it and get its seed phrase. But what if I need to programmatically create a random s...
one year ago
I have a generated keypair. How to import the secretKey in code? I tried passing it as a string (hex version) but didnt work > This question was imported fro...
Hello, regarding the API documentation, how can I create a new address? I didn't see any examples for address creation and sending transactions. Could you pl...
I see that there is a touch method in the wallet v4 contract: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/wallet-contract/blob/main/func/wallet-v4-code.fc#L90 What exa...