I know Metamask but never used it for TON before. Is to possible do to that? And if it is, where I might find settings for the network switch on Metamask wal...
TON whitepapers present "Infinite Sharding Paradigm", but I couldn't quite figure it out by reading the whitepapers. Is there another explanation avaliable s...
one year ago
If I want to study by example, are there any smart contracts for implementing auction on TON open for everyone to learn from? --- > This question was importe...
one year ago
I don't fully understand the masterchain/workchain distinction yet. If someone sends me Toncoins, what chain does it send it in? Do I need to use the same ch...
one year ago
Hi guys, how can I sign a Cell with ton-crypto, or ton-core or in someway, that later can be correctly verified by check_signature or check_data_signature fr...
One of the most simple and popular ways to create a Telegram chat bot is to use aiogram framework. And one of the most popular ways to provide UI for a servi...
one year ago
In explorers such as Tonscan every Jetton page has a field called "mutable" with "yes/no" value in it. What does that mean, what exactly in Jettons is mutabl...
one year ago
There is an open source tool minter.ton.org for deploying custom Jettons to mainnet. Is there something like it for testnet? --- > This question was imported...
How to generate address from seed phrase in Python? Как сгенерировать адресс из seed фразы на питоне?
7 months ago
In whitepaper, 2.1.1. Account addresses. we got description in below: The source address and destination address are always present in any message. Normally,...
one year ago
Why source addres is so important when a contract address being created? In whitepaper: 2.1.2. Source and destination addresses of a message. ``` Any message...
one year ago
On TON blockchain the address of a smart contract depends on its code. The set_code() function can change the code of a contract. What happes to the address ...
one year ago
What is the minimum stake for a validator? On GitHub (https://github.com/ton-blockchain/mytonctrl/blob/master/docs/en/nominator-pool.md) I found that the min...
I'm interested in creating a Jetton (custom token on TON blockchain). Are there some services that let you do that easily? --- > This question was imported f...
one year ago
What's the practical utility of internal non-bounceable messages? When would they be useful? --- > This question was imported by Telegram Chat: https://t.me/...
one year ago
I'm using the ton-connect to connect the wallet from a bot. however after the user confirms the connection in the wallet, he's being redirected to walletbot....
10 months ago
What is the purpose of the Election contract on the TON blockchain, and why does it have a balance greater than the total stake of all validators combined? >...
one year ago
Are there any examples in Python for signing and sending TON transactions? For example, sending TON coin from one wallet to another. --- > This question was ...
On TON blockchain there are special highload wallets that can send out multiple transactions at once. But they also have a limit — 255 transactions at once. ...
one year ago
I would like to track every change regarding Telegram anonymous numbers. They exist as NFTs, so any transaction such as ownership change is stored in the TON...
one year ago
A question for those who actually run a full node: can you share its usage metrics like traffic consumption, CPU usage, network usage? Preferably using somet...
I wanna build a ton dapp on tg bot, but I cant find the way to switch net work in the official wallet bot. This is the code I forked. https://github.com/ton-...
I trnasfered some jetton to another wallet but response body destination address is not in a familiar format instead how can i convert this address into some...
10 months ago
Hello! I have a question regarding crafting a transaction using Tonweb. I attached the SENDER seqno using wallet.methods.seqno().call(), and then sent the tr...
one year ago
What error code should a smart contract use when dealing with an unsupported opcode? Is it up to the smart contract developer, or there is a conventional one...
one year ago
TON Center (toncenter.com) is possibly the best-known service for making API requests, but lately it was not accessible when I needed it. What can be used in...
I am encountering an inconsistency when calling my_address() in different contexts and hope someone can help me understand why this is happening. When I call...
one year ago
Hi there, I am looking for a linux command-line wallet for Toncoin. Is there already such a project or is the there an SDK/Whitepapper to implement it myself...
one year ago
It's known that coins in the testnet are not "real". But are the testnet fees in those coins exactly the same as the gas fees in mainnet? If a transaction re...